Häst, Swedish for "horse," playfully embodies the spirit of this collaborative project with designer Sophie Hansen. We were tasked with breathing new life into an iconic piece – IKEA's Ivar Chair. Designing by deconstructing the chair and conceptualizing a new object was an incredibly fun challenge.
A Rocking Transformation
Drawing inspiration from the flatpack experience – those boxes brimming with potential – we began by exploring the Ivar chair's components.
By experimenting with the width of the seat, we visualized a new typology and the idea for a rocking horse concept emerged. This clever transformation utilizes almost entirely the original Ivar parts which helped the final result to retain the essence of the simple Scandinavian design that defines IKEA products. This seamless aesthetic transition ensures the Häst feels like a natural extension of the Ivar family.
Drawing inspiration from the flatpack experience – those boxes brimming with potential – we began by exploring the Ivar chair's components.
By experimenting with the width of the seat, we visualized a new typology and the idea for a rocking horse concept emerged. This clever transformation utilizes almost entirely the original Ivar parts which helped the final result to retain the essence of the simple Scandinavian design that defines IKEA products. This seamless aesthetic transition ensures the Häst feels like a natural extension of the Ivar family.
We reimagined elements from the original Ivar chair to add a playful touch and strengthen the connection to its familiar form.
For example, take the small wooden dowels used in the Ivar's assembly process. We saw their potential for more than just connecting pieces. In Häst, we transformed them into the rocking chair handles. This playful detail achieves two things: it adds a whimsical element to the design, and it creates a comfortable grip for little hands to hold onto during their rocking adventures.Oversized dowels that function as the rocking horse's handle, offering a comfortable grip for little hands.